· Pollution Essay in English. Pollution is a waste created in nature or natural resources! Its contamination! There are two types of pollution that are directly related to us. One is water pollution and the other is air pollution. Since we live on land, air, and water are constantly used and blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins Air Pollution occurs due to the presence of harmful gases and substances in the air. It is due to vehicle emission, dust and dirt, poisonous gasses from the factories etc. To reduce air pollution, we should use carpooling or public transport rather than using your private vehicles, we should avoid burning trash or other materials etc. Water Pollution:Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Essay on Pollution in English. Pollution is a gift to us of developing cities and towns with the growing development and progress of industries. Noise, water, soil and air pollution are the different kinds of blogger.comted Reading Time: 1 min
Essay On Pollution In English • English Summary
Below we have provided an Essay on Pollution in English, written in easy and simple words for class 3, 4, 5, essay on pollution in english, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 school students. This essay is helpful for the aspirants preparing for the competitive exam too! Pollution Essay: Pollution is one of the most commonly discussed topics in recent times. It is not only a threat to nature but also to all its creations.
Pollution refers to the introduction of hazardous substances to our life-sustaining environment. It has adverse effects on the natural resources of our planet. These foreign particles which contaminate our environment are called pollutants.
Pollution drastically affects our ecosystem. The balance in our ecological cycle gets disrupted. Moreover, essay on pollution in english, flora and fauna suffer its consequences. Animals lose their habitats and humans are prone to life-threatening illnesses. Today we have natural calamities like tsunamis, hurricanes, and floods. The air quality is critical, and on top, we are dealing with global warming. Humans play an active role in this event.
Man made activities are major contributors to the ongoing pollution. Thus we need to tackle this problem without any further delay. To do so, we must have in-depth knowledge of this area. Let us get to know what the different types of pollution are and how they are caused. This is the type of pollution where the air gets contaminated by air pollutants. These toxic substances mainly include vehicular exhausts, smoke, industrial gases, chlorofluorocarbons, plastics, radioactive elements, etc. We need oxygen to breathe, essay on pollution in english, and lack of it can have dangerous effects.
Air pollution leads to various respiratory diseases and other severe ailments. Burning of fossil fuels and wildfires in the forests also contribute to air pollution.
Numerous wildlife species suffer in this process. They lose their home, and some of them lead towards extinction. The addition of toxic products to water degrades its quality and makes it unfit for consumption. This is known as water pollution. Water is one of the most valuable resources of our planet.
Our survival depends on it. However, chemical discharges from industries, sewage waste, domestic waste, and oil spills deteriorate the water quality and make it toxic. This hugely affects the biotic and non-biotic ecosystems.
Consumption of this polluted water causes cholera, dysentery, typhoid, and many other diseases. Marine animals also become endangered due to its effect. Contamination of soil is referred to as land pollution. Agricultural practices use pesticides, fungicides, and fertilizers which contaminates the land.
Moreover, the dumping of industrial waste and e-waste also makes it hazardous. Biomedical waste and the handling of radioactive elements are also potential threats. Deforestation, construction and mining activities also harm the soil. When the agricultural lands get contaminated, harvested crops absorb the toxins which are then consumed by humans. This can cause a lot of health hazards.
Loud noises above a certain decibel are harmful to our environment and cause noise pollution. Honking of vehicles, loudspeakers, bursting of crackers, household chores, poor urban planning, and construction machines all are considered bad for our health.
They cause stress and anxiety not only in people but also in animals. It can cause communication troubles, sleep disorders like insomnia, hearing loss, etc. Pollution can affect your entire life in a way you can never imagine. They thrive in our atmosphere, but we cannot see them. Air pollution has been responsible for the depletion of the ozone essay on pollution in english. Another disastrous effect of it is global warming.
It causes ailments like heart and lung diseases apart from asthma, allergies, and respiratory problems, etc. Water pollution is more hazardous. Humans are prone to diseases like jaundice, diarrhoea, and giardia. Various aquatic species lose their habitats in oil spills and cease to exist. Soil Pollution is capable of turning a piece of land completely unsuitable for farming. It also leads to the reduction of the underground water table.
Last but not least; noise pollution affects the health of an individual on a psychological level. Excessive sound can turn you deaf and can also make you suffer from chronic heart diseases.
Apart from that, it always irritates and can also result in fluctuating blood pressure. These risks can be minimized if proper planning is done, and actions are taken. Therefore, we should take measures to reduce all kinds of pollution.
Though it is beneficial to learn what causes pollution and what its effects are, we must take steps to prevent it. Authorities have started implementing steps to curb this problem. Heavy penalties are essay on pollution in english imposed on industries that violate the statutory limit of effluent discharge.
The government has been encouraging people to switch to alternative forms of energy. We can start using solar panels, hydro-power turbines, wind energy, etc. Rainwater harvesting is also a renewable source for storing rainwater, essay on pollution in english. It is our responsibility to help each other in this implementation process to minimize the consequences. Air pollution can be significantly reduced by reducing the number of automobiles.
We can utilize public transportation mediums for commuting. Also, biofuels like CNG help a essay on pollution in english in curbing emissions. The use of crackers during festivals must be cut down.
We should adopt healthy habits like recycling of inorganic materials and compost of plant-based products. Planting more and more trees will ensure we have enough oxygen in our environment. Instead of pesticides, essay on pollution in english, natural manures can be used for the same purpose.
Water pollution can be prevented if we increase awareness amongst the essay on pollution in english. Campaigns can be organized for these purposes. Somewhere along the run, we are responsible for causing such damage to our planet. We have exploited nature and taken it for granted. Our selfish needs have caused havoc and have become the reason for our destruction. If we want to thrive on Earth, we have to follow the above means to protect our environment.
Pollution is a larger threat, and we need to control it now. This problem calls for a team effort. So we must all come together and protect our mother earth from further degradation. Reader Interactions Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published, essay on pollution in english.
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10 lines on pollution in english/Essay on pollution in english/Pollution essay in english
, time: 7:13· It has become so common that almost everyone acknowledges the fact that pollution is rising continuously. The term ‘pollution’ means the manifestation of any unsolicited foreign substance in something. When we talk about pollution on earth, we refer to the contamination that is happening of the natural resources by various pollutants. All this is mainly caused by human activities which harm the Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins Air Pollution occurs due to the presence of harmful gases and substances in the air. It is due to vehicle emission, dust and dirt, poisonous gasses from the factories etc. To reduce air pollution, we should use carpooling or public transport rather than using your private vehicles, we should avoid burning trash or other materials etc. Water Pollution:Estimated Reading Time: 4 mins · Pollution Essay in English. Pollution is a waste created in nature or natural resources! Its contamination! There are two types of pollution that are directly related to us. One is water pollution and the other is air pollution. Since we live on land, air, and water are constantly used and blogger.comted Reading Time: 4 mins
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